5 Sure Signs That Show You Are an Earth Angel (And Must Appreciate Yourself)

What does being an Earth Angel (or Human Angel) mean?

The term “Angel” comes from the Latin word “Angelus,” which, in its turn, comes from the Greek “ἄγγελος,” the meaning of messenger, in this case, “messenger of God.” A Human Angel is a messenger of Divine Love whose compassionate actions positively impact other people's lives. Human Angels have committed before birth to work for a better world at this particular moment when our planet is afflicted by dramatic events and changes. The world of ego is now starting to collapse, and the Human Angels have a task of love to carry out: reawakening human beings to the consciousness that, beyond the illusions of the ego and of separation, beyond conflicts and inequalities, there is only the Truth of the Oneness. Human Angels are beacons that, simply being who they are, illuminate the darkness to help those still on the path to stay the course.

Diversity is found all over the planet and among all species. But none are as diverse as human beings regarding their behavior, beliefs, and actions. This aspect has both positives and negatives, but for now, we’ll focus on the brighter side.

Behavior, beliefs, and actions, when done with positive intent and a pure heart are the basic pillars of a good human being.
“Earth angels” as a term specifies the people who excel in this particular area. Love and compassion are their driving forces in life. They possess empathy that heightens their selflessness when it comes to helping others. And not just human beings, they also connect this well with nature and all kinds of animals. With their care, they try to restore harmony and balance in nature as well among their fellow human beings.

They have more in common with nature than with urban industrial scenarios. The current status of humanity, which is dismal, to say the least, pains them and makes them wish for a peaceful environment with protection for our sacred nature.

Here are 5 signs that will help you find out if you/or someone you know is an earth angel:


Care stems from empathy, a trait that helps you understand someone else’s position from their point of view. An earth angel will care selflessly for others and always be ready to help. They love spending time with themselves, but sometimes their nature might be a problem here. Giving all their time to care and help others leaves them with little me-time.

Photo by Rémi Walle / Unsplash


Although their care and behavior rarely get them away from people, earth angels need, from time to time, to take a break from the world's noise. They need to take some time out for themselves too. Helping others can sometimes be a difficult thing to do. Being helpful and emphatic takes both a mental and physical toll, thus, they need to recharge their spirit by spending some time alone, preferably in nature. Being in contact with Nature helps them reflect and relax enough to replenish themselves with the same vigor as before.

Photo by Anton Darius | @theSollers / Unsplash


Intuition is an inbuilt thought mechanism that has existed within living beings forever. It helps protect them from upcoming dangers and look beyond appearances. These qualities are very sharp in Earth angels. Their intuition is stronger and more effective than their everyday 'rational' thoughts. Most of their actions are driven by their gut feelings, and they get enriched and aware by letting all art forms affect them. They never close their mind to any idea. They are open to change and ready to embrace anything that leads them to a higher point of self-awareness.


Unlike any other person, Earth Angels are perfectly aware of the pitfalls of the ego and try to avoid these traps at any cost. It would be unfair to assert that they reject modern society. They rue the loss as humanity sinks deeper into the greed for money and forgets its roots.

As we write in our book We Are Human Angels, We Inspire Change: We live in a society where the rules were created by the ego and by its favorite child: money. The ego is eager to place itself above others, widening the separation between itself and the rest of the world. The ego is addicted to power, and nothing produces more material power than the possession of money, so it continuously craves more and more money. This unceasing search for power has generated the cancer of the planet: the power of power, the potency of money. We live in a world where the financial power of one percent of the population has overcome the power of the majority. Through a frightening removal of values and rules, financial power has taken possession of the whole planet, globalized the economy, and made the majority of governments subservient to its interests.

Luckily, these 'rules' do not apply to Earth Angels (or Human Angels). For Earth Angels, love and compassion matter far more than the mindless rat race.

Photo by Simon Migaj / Unsplash


Their intuitions and plethora of emotions make them feel called for a purpose in life. No matter the course, it always involves helping and healing others. For them being useful to their fellow beings is more important than any riches or materialistic successes.

Other Human Angels will become inspiring guides for others. When the time comes for human beings to be helped with their change, Earth Angels are here to guide them. They will know how to awaken the consciousness of all human beings, how to go beyond their fears and pacify their anger. Rather than the power search, the purity and strength of the vision will guide their actions. Through Unconditional Love, they will align themselves with the highest energy frequencies of every social reality in which they are involved. They will act for the Greater Good, with no thought of themselves and without any search for personal gain. Courageous, generous, determined, and humble, they will be the mirrors that reflect the inner light within every human being, and every human being will recognize their light as a mirror of themselves. Their bent towards empathy and care makes the nursing and counseling sector an attractive area for their career choices.

Now that you have discovered that you are an Earth Angel, the time has come to open your heart and unfold your wings!

Photo by Jamie Street / Unsplash

We Are Human Angels, We Inspire Change: A Complete Course for Angelic Humans


It Teaches You How To:
  • overcome the real matrix of ego.
  • heal from the pain of the past imprinted in your emotional body.
  • be truly happy and make other people happy too.
  • consciously create your own reality and become love in action.
  • tune in with the universal flow of love, joy, and abundance.
  • build a healthy, joyful romantic relationship and achieve the sacred union.
  • manage your intense sensitivity and make the best use of it in helping others.
  • help others while respecting the Sacred Law of Free Will
  • fulfill your highest potential as a Human Angel and find your own mission here on earth.


  • open your heart and unfold your wings.
  • miraculously transform your life through the awareness of the Oneness.
  • turn your consciousness into action.
  • reunite in a collective action of conscious and awakened beings with a common vision of a new world.

We Are Human Angels, We Inspire Change: A Complete Course for Angelic Humans

This book is a fully equipped wisdom package that gives you all the tools to change your life forever and to make the world a better place.


Article reference: inner-intuitions and our book We Are Human Angels - We Inspire Change