Angel Prayer for Health

Health is, in our opinion, the essential thing in a person's life. Being healthy makes us capable of experiencing and living every moment of our lives to its fullest.

But sometimes bad things happen, and our loved ones or we become sick occasionally. So when someone we love is suffering from health issues, we can do some things to comfort them and assist them in their healing journey.

We can be there for them, either at the hospital or home.
We can take care of their needs, making them feel loved.
And we can pray for their successful recovery from any illness that makes them suffer.

The act of praying for health (for our loved ones and ourselves) is an act of faith and love that brings the positive healing energies of the Angels to those who need them.

So, if you know someone who needs healing energy, say this Angel Prayer for Health to help your loved ones regain all their physical health and well-being.

Dear Angel,

I pray for every person I know who is now experiencing physical pain. I ask you, please, for them to recover from any sickness. Relieve the emotional and physical pain caused by their illness. Watch over them, infuse them with a restless desire for healing. Guide and inspire their doctors to find the right medicines and treatments to ease their distress and overcome their illnesses. Please, wrap them with your wings as a holy shield of light so they may be restored to perfect health. Infuse them with your blessing energy to heal them from their sickness. Grant them comfort in their suffering. Please give them the grace to bear their affliction with strength and hope. Never let them be discouraged and fill their spirit with confidence so that they may face these challenging moments with a brave soul.

Thank You. Amen

The Prayer you just read comes from our newest book:
Dear Angel... Prayers for Healing Miracles, Protection, Guidance, and Financial Blessings

Kindle and Paperback, on Amazon

Remember this: every prayer is being listened to, at any time, by your Angels. Every prayer is answered and Grace is always granted. You are unconditionally loved by Angels.

Imagine that your desire has come true. Do not focus on ‘how’ it has happened, but only on the fact that it ‘has happened’.

Imagine what you would like to achieve in your life, then start to feel as if you had already achieved it. In a prayer, what always matters is the feeling of being and of having what you wish for.

Imagine, for example, that you wish help from your Angels in manifesting a new job. You’ll have to be in fine tune with the essence of what you want and ‘see’ yourself in your new job. **You need to dive deep into the vibes and feelings of having what you want to create.** When you set an intention with a mindset of openness to receive, you affirm that what you are seeking is already being provided, is already created and made available for your use.

As you learn to clear out blocks, patterns, and karmic connections that no longer serve you, you can better receive your heart’s desires. You start to see that all is in Divine Order, and you can relax more into acceptance of what flows in your life.

Be Grateful

To thank the Angels is important, but not for them because giving is their true nature. They give for the pure joy of giving. To thank them is important for you because gratitude always brings more blessings.

The feeling of gratitude is like a signal that you send to the Universe, showing that you are open to receiving. It’s like a powerful magnet that attracts complementary energies into your life.

Read Next: How to Know When Your Guardian Angel Is Near