Are You In The 1% Of The Population That Is Genetically Of Higher Frequency?

Do you notice or even feel frustrated because the supplements, medicines, diets, and modalities that seem to work for other people don’t work for you?

Do you do what most would consider “all the right things” for your health and spirit and still feel that you are not functioning optimally? Do your energies, moods, and immune system feel like they need a boost even when you take extra time for “self-care?”

If you answered “yes” to the previous questions, there is a very good chance that you are part of the 1% of the population that is genetically of higher frequency.

People of higher frequency tend to be described as “hypersensitive,” empathic, intuitive, creative, sometimes perfectionistic, and (wonderfully!) complex.

Despite finding that other people are drawn to them, higher frequency individuals often feel alone in this world because they comprise so little of the population. However, they continue to move forward with their lives in a unique, heart-centered way. They live almost strategically in different parts of the globe as “light workers,” here to carry out their important mission or “Cosmic Call to Action,” which is to help our species and planet survive and thrive as a more consciously awakened world.

As a result, higher frequency people usually share many of the following attributes during this human experience:

  1. A desire to find, confirm, or capture the essence of their true spiritual “home,” partner, family, and/or community.

  2. A feeling that entities or angels are around them. They may even see or hear those entities on occasion.

  3. A feeling that they aren’t achieving the success, relationships, and happiness they desire—despite having outstanding skills, capacities, and intelligence.

  4. Changes in moods, emotions, and energy levels that appear to reflect the people or planet around them, as much if not more than their own condition.

  5. Moments of feeling more “awakened” or conscious, but finding those times short-lived or unsustainable in 3D daily life.

  6. Vivid dreams, and even moving, speaking, or acting out while asleep.

  7. Periods of intense “shedding” of relationships, responsibilities, or priorities.

  8. A feeling that time is moving much faster or even “getting lost” during regular activities.

  9. Enhanced awareness of synchronicities and believing that there are no “coincidences” or “accidents.”

If the qualities and tendencies mentioned above resonate with you, then you probably have lots of experiences being surrounded by a higher frequency person.

Photo by Josh Adamski / Unsplash

It may not come as a surprise that–because of all of the energies that higher frequency people take in and take on from the world around them–they are quite prone to: food and environmental allergies; thyroid issues and adrenal fatigue; inflammation leading to digestive and/or joint issues; depression, addictions, or extreme highs and lows in mood; and intense relationships to sexual activity, body image, and/or exercise.

Most higher frequency individuals feel the need to regroup or refresh by being alone and away from the energies of other people; by spending time in water or nature; by engaging in sports or physical activity; and/or by getting lost in music, dance, or other forms of expressive art—all to help rid themselves of the frequencies they take in, as well as to help re-balance their own energy systems.

Although you may not always receive the applause, recognition, or gratitude that you deserve from others, as with most pioneers, your trials, tribulations, and triumphs are pivotal, and will be appreciated for generations to come!

Source: simplecapacity
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