What Things Should You Absolutely Avoid During Your Birth Month?

Your birth month is a very special time.

After all, this is the month that celebrates you coming into the world. While there are tons of amazing things that you should expect, there are also a few things you should be prepared to avoid.

Find your birth month and see the things that you should make sure you aren’t doing to make sure it is the best birth month you’ve had yet.

What Things Should You Absolutely Avoid During Your Birth Month?
Scroll Down To Find Your Birth Month & Find Out!

It’s a new birth month, which means that you should do some new things to make it the absolute best. Go into your birth month by expecting great things and avoiding the worst.

While avoiding some of these things might be easy, for a lot of people this will be a bit of a challenge.

1. January
Avoid falling into your same old routine. This routine can tend to drag you down, especially on rough days. Avoiding falling into your same old routine by trying new things (even small things) will help you discover more of the brighter side of life.

2. February
Avoid having extremely high expectations. It’s always good to have expectations of a person, a job, or something important to you, but setting them very high can lead to disappointment. Keep faith in the things that you love but remember that nobody and nothing is perfect.

3. March
Avoid old habits. There is always a reason that the past is the past. If you’ve quit smoking, drinking, or any other sort of habit that was difficult to quit, remember how proud you felt when you kicked it! It isn’t worth it to pick up old habits, and the repercussions would be too stressful. You’re on a good path just as you are.

4. April
Avoid negativity. This means avoiding negative people, places where you’ve only had negative experiences, and anything that’s too upsetting to handle. It isn’t worth it to put yourself through a bad relationship just to see what happens, or visit a restaurant where you’ve had bad food just to have another bad meal. Follow what brings you joy, and joy will follow.

5. May
Avoid letting go of your power. Say no to anyone who takes advantage of you, whether it’s at work, home, or school. There’s no reason to be stressed out by someone else who needs too much from you. You have your own issues to deal with and those issues deserve your attention. Keep your head on straight and treat yourself like you’d treat a loved one.

6. June
Avoid passive-aggression. Don’t fall into the trap of being bothered or irritated by something or someone without speaking up. You have a voice and you should use it. You don’t have to confront anyone, but it’s about time to say what’s on your mind in a calm manner without using too many accusations. You’re strong and you can do it.

7. July
Avoid anything that your gut tells you is a bad idea. If you don’t feel like you should go out to a bar, talk to someone from your past who hurt you, or even just take a certain route to work, don’t do it! There’s a reason why it’s called ‘gut instinct’ and you know when your feelings have merit.

8. August
Avoid neglecting yourself. Take care of yourself like you might take care of your child or grandchild. Feed yourself sustaining meals, give yourself time to rest and enjoy leisure activities, and take the time to pamper yourself. Take a long bath or shower. Read the book you haven’t had time to read. Time flies and you deserve more!

9. September
Avoid procrastination. If there’s something that needs to be done, do it. You’ll feel better when it’s over. Whether it’s something medical, work-related, or even just an outing you’ve been putting off, you know you’ll be able to relax when you don’t have to think about it anymore. Jump that hurdle. Do it and feel free again!

10. October
Avoid the easy road. Make chicken for dinner instead of reaching for a bag of chips. (We all do it, but we shouldn’t!) Tell your friend or partner something you’ve been meaning to say, even if it’s a little difficult to bring up. Tell your boss you want that raise you deserve. You don’t know the limit to what you can accomplish until you push that limit. Take the hard road and find out what you’re made of… you can do it!

11. November
Avoid making the same mistakes. You learned the first time and you know better now. Just because something is easy or familiar doesn’t mean it’s right. Don’t take back that ex who’s been trying to contact you. Don’t get a ticket for parking in that spot closer to the building. When life teaches you something, take it to heart and remember that nobody is perfect, but you can come close!

12. December
Avoid going with the flow. Get that haircut you always wanted but were too afraid to try. Take a different route to work. Get up, get out, and do something completely unique. Changing even the smallest things will energize you in a way you wouldn’t expect.

Don’t agree with friends or colleagues just because it’s what you might do on a usual day. Correct the person who spells your name wrong. You are valid!

Source: coorent
Via : wakeupyourmind
Original Title Choose Your Birth Month To Discover What You Should Absolutely AVOID.
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