Select a Card and Get Advice About your Current Situation

Take a look at these Cards and select the one that speaks to your soul. It has an important message for you.


The Nigredo and The Fool speak of a rebirth and the beginning of a brand new adventure. Unexpected events and bits of information are coming your way and while you may not know exactly how to deal with it all, you know that doing what you have done in the past is simply no longer an option. There has been too much water under the bridge. Don’t be afraid to try new approaches or to experiment. Never mind what the world expects from you now. Be daring and bold. You have nothing to lose. There was a time when the thought of having nothing to lose used to scare you. There was a time when you clung tightly to what you owned and your persona. You vaguely remember those days. You are free now.

The best solutions for any challenges you face in the week ahead will come to you when you play, move (walk/run) or dance… as if out of the blue!


The Alembic with The Woodward (Strength). What you observe around you is mirrored within through the process of soul alchemy this week. Subtle tests are coming your way which demand your inner strength and compassion. Be sure to observe without judgment to see what you can learn. This is a week when you are likely to feel a bit like a caged tiger, restless and eager to move forward in leaps and bounds… but now is not the time. Be patient, watch and learn. Stay with the process.

Get rid of restless energy through exercise and focus your mind through meditation. You are being prepared to take on greater responsibilities.



The Lovers speaks of everything coming together for you in the week ahead. Limiting beliefs and opposition melt away. There is harmony within and without. An important choice is coming up for you. Focus your energy and align your mind with your heart so that no energy is wasted. This is a choice that could serve to better align you with your soul’s calling… A choice that could change your life for the better… A choice that is supported by Spirit because it helps you to live more from the heart.

An engagement or commitment in love could also be on the cards.

Article source  wisdom path

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