Long Distance Love: 9 Secrets To Make It Work

“Is successful long distance love a myth?”

This question has been posed to us on many occasions. Yes, long distance love is very doable as long as someone is open to relocating and the plan is to end your time apart at some point. We speak to hundreds of couples on a regular basis, many of them long distance lovers.

We’ve seen them make it work. Here’s how.

Photo by Dani Vivanco / Unsplash

1) Date Through Technology

Nowadays we have apps like Facetime and Skype which provide an upgrade to the late-night phone chats we may have had years ago. It’s fun to see the sincerity in each other’s expressions when you talk and to be able to cheer each other on during a big moment. It’s the next best thing to a face-to-face date and it gives you something to look forward to later.

Photo by Aziz Acharki / Unsplash

2) Meet Somewhere New

Just because you both live in different areas, doesn’t mean that you always have to travel to his hometown or yours. How about meeting in the middle or exploring places that neither of you have ever visited before? This will help create long-lasting memories and foster great conversations when you’re apart reflecting on the new things you’ve done and seen together. It also cuts the travel time in half so that it won’t be so taxing on just one person.

3) Be Helpful

As your relationship becomes more serious, listen to all that he has on his plate and think of ways you can lend a hand from a distance. With the Internet bringing the world to our fingertips, finding vendors and service providers from miles away is much easier than it once was.
You will soon be a part of each other’s everyday lives, so start incorporating each other into the overall plan today.

4) Make the Important Dates/Holidays

If a lasting and loving relationship is what you desire, make being together when it counts a priority. Remember whatever you start will continue and leave no gaps for either of you to become lonely or lose interest due to mere lack of prioritizing. Make sure you’re together for birthdays, holidays and monumental events in each other’s lives.
It’s worth the cost to ensure that your bond isn’t bruised or broken.

5) Don’t Forget About Snail Mail

Is there anyone who wouldn’t enjoy going to the mailbox and finding a beautiful card or a handwritten note from the one they love nestled between the bills and advertisements for things they’ll never use? That one small gesture shows the effort on your part and the level of importance you place on staying connected. Even small trinkets that remind him of you are a nice surprise.

Consider mailing a thoughtful gift like a CD you created of your favorite songs or a nice tie or handkerchief with a dab of your favorite perfume on it. He’ll love the gesture.

6) Add Friends and Family Into the Mix

When you haven’t seen each other in what feels like forever, when you do, you just want to be alone. We get it. But, this can isolate you from family and friends, which you do not want to do. Make time to visit his family with him and plan a fun dinner or evening out with his friends and make similar plans with yours.

7) Stop Using “I” and Start Using “We” and “Us”

Now that you’re officially exclusive and have professed your love for one another, let your confidence shine through. When discussing plans together or even with others, incorporate “we” and “us” into your new couple vocabulary. It shows that you’re both all-in.

8) Send “Drip Love” Throughout The Day

Keep him on his toes daily by sending sweet messages, cute pictures and words of encouragement throughout the day to help each other pass the time until you can get home to video chat or hear each other’s voices on the phone. Men love to be intrigued!

9) Journal Together

Encourage each other to keep a journal and write down your thoughts and experiences when you’re apart. It will be fun to pull them out after your first year wedding anniversary and read how your bond progressed into forever.

Source: essence
Authored by: The Matchmaking Duo