Everything Always Happens For A Reason: Coincidences Don’t Exist

Have you ever thought of a person you haven’t seen for a long time, and suddenly, they show up in front of you on the street?

You would immediately think, ‘What a coincidence it was when, behind the veil of ‘reality,’ operates a secret cosmic organization in charge of creating ‘accidents.’ We can call it the ‘Cosmic Center For Coincidences Management.’

The Universe always finds ways to pair us with the people we are meant to be with and place us in situations with the best possible outcome.

It might sound strange to many, but sometimes, in our search for the ‘perfect’, we fail to see the ‘imperfect’ that fits us perfectly. This counts for lovers, friends, jobs, opportunities…everything.

Usually, when people pray, they ask God to show them the right path or give them a sign. Well, guess what?! Coincidences and accidents don’t exist.

Open your eyes because these are the signs you have been waiting for for so long. There is no such thing as a coincidence in the Universe.

Photo by Greg Rakozy / Unsplash

Call it God, the Creator, Universe, the Source, energy…name it whatever you want – it won’t change the fact that everything that has ever happened and will happen has been planned and created intentionally.

This is because the Creator shows its presence without physically appearing in front of us. The fact that it’s subtle and hard to notice doesn’t mean it’s not there. We need to learn to read the signs. The Universe never fails to show us the path we are told to walk.

So every time you want to reach a goal, remember that God already knows every thought and intention of yours, and ‘he’ knows what’s best for you.
Photo by Davide Cantelli / Unsplash

I want to say that you shouldn’t feel desperate if nothing is going according to plan. It’s probably for your greater good. There is a master plan which outranks all your projects, even the most perfect ones.

What is most important is to have faith. Never stop working on yourself but don’t push it if it doesn’t work. Trust the Universe; it has all the best surprises in store for you.

Cover Image source: soultravelrules