15 Powerful Affirmations For Weight Loss

Dieting without replacing negative thought patterns will give only temporary results.

Going from a negative mindset to self-love and self-evaluation doesn't happen overnight. However, by using these affirmations, your way of thinking changes. And that's the first step.


I am mindful of what I eat

and drink. I respect, honour,

care, cherish and love my body.


I accept my body and its defects.

I accept my character and its weaknesses.

I love myself as a perfect part

of a perfect Whole.

Photo by i yunmai / Unsplash


I trust myself.

I succeed in everything I do.

I succeed in Life without effort.


I love myself just

the way I am.


I give my body the nourishment,

exercise, rest and comfort it needs

so that it may always be perfectly healthy.

Photo by Dan Gold / Unsplash


I take a breath,

I relax my body, I feel my heart:

I am a precious, wonderful,

unique and unrepeatable

miracle of Love.

Photo by Jade Destiny / Unsplash


I do not hope,

I believe.


I overcome

my victim mentality,

I step into the power of

my spiritual mastery.


I give myself permission

to succeed.


My belief is stronger than my fear:

I make my dreams happen.

Photo by Javardh / Unsplash


I look on

the optimistic side of life.

I convert my problems

into opportunities.


I liberate the power and the courage

that have been hidden inside myself.


I love the world

as a reflection of the Love

that I have for myself.

Photo by Anita Jankovic / Unsplash


I graciously accept compliments.

I deserve all the compliments I receive.


From now on, everything will turn out

for the best in my life.

The affirmations you just read are taken from our book 365 Mantras for Today, a collection of 365 powerful affirmations to enlighten every day of your life.

From our book "365 Mantras For Today"

Do you feel the powerful urge to change your life but you don’t know how to do it? Start from within and the rest will spontaneously fall into place.

When negative emotions and thoughts attract crappy things into your life, it's time to drag and drop into the trash your old belief system made of:
Mind gremlins: "My life is a mess."
Negative mind chatter: "I’ll never get over this problem."
Mental noise: "I’m not smart/attractive/successful"

The time has come to attract into your life all of the wonderful things you dream of and that you deserve.
"I succeed in everything I do."
"I am love."
"I dare to live my dreams."
"I give myself permission to be happy."

365 Mantras for today is the book that provides you with everything you need to effortlessly change your life.

Some mantras will purify you. Some others will help you in raising your energies. You will free yourself from fears, feelings of guilt, anger, resentment, and expectations. You will achieve Self-confidence, Gratitude, Acceptance, Joy, and Self-respect.

Every moment in your daily life is the right time to connect yourself with the power of positivity! And there's no better time than now.

Enlighten your life with the power of positivity. Start now


Inspiring, Uplifting, and Motivating Affirmations To Enlighten Your Life