A Message For You From Archangel Metatron
The Almighty Metatron, the Angel of Light, has a message for you. Read it, and treasure its guidance.

This is a message that comes from Metatron, the Mighty Angel Of Light
Archangel Metatron was an angel always, but he gave it up to come to Earth after being led by the fallen ones to come to the physical manifestation and be a medium for them between man and God. His love for the Creator had him give up on their appointed task.
He was taken from his human form, Enoch, and taken home. He could not help returning to teach the wisdom of the heavens and Universe through Raphael and his teachings. Then in Egypt, he was called Thoth. Some spirits will go by the same names without revealing the others behind them.
Metatron came to Earth himself and continued to Incarnate until it was time for the Archangel Emmanuel to come.
Number: Metatron has the number of 13.
13 is the vibration of the 13 spheres that are represented by his Cube. 13 is a karmic number, and is the number of upheaval so that new ground can be broken. The number 13 has great power.
Stones: Since he works with all rays of light, he can use any stone as a knower of the blueprints. However, he will mainly communicate in quartz. The Universal Stone.
Day: You can work with Metatron any day of the week.
Animals: Metatron’s animal is the elephant.
Archangel Metatron's force is strong, burning, hot, and weighty. It is heavy, thick, and overpowering, as he holds the records and design of all things. One of the hardest next to Archangel Barbiel that I have worked with.
Metatron takes no excuses, no laziness, no shortcuts. He is like a loving drill sergeant, forcing you into a place of deep intelligence.
Message From Metatron
“Greetings, It is I, Archangel Metatron. Chief Messenger from the Celestial Realms.
I channel through my Angel in human form, Alura. She is working fervently and patiently for all of us up here to get everyone where they need to be spiritually. It is not easy to channel the huge amounts of energy that we large Celestial bodies have. Therefore, I thank her ahead of time for putting this message into a 3rd-dimensional form.
Continuing with why I have come, I am here to tell everyone that I know the need is great for positive energy during this war of consciousness in your world. It is a far cry from over. But, if you endure longer, you will find the wait worth it. I am well aware of the efforts of those who have come from my home here, the Upper Angelic Realm, and for those also from the lower. I am also aware of the other dimensional souls who volunteered to come here to help.
It is very overwhelming, to see how many warriors of light we have down there now.
I want many of you, who have not awakened yet, to know, that there is no hurry. Your awakening will come when the time that you scheduled with your guides and directors has come around. Take your time, and have fun with the spiritual enlightenment that is going on around you. So many things to discover!
In the meantime, I am still holding the keys of light transmission to send the correct mathematical programming so that I can help elevate your world to higher planes of consciousness. I come to tell you that I am assisting you by shrouding you with my resilient outer light to clear and cleanse your energy field so you can be equipped with the perfect balance of energy to continue this mission. It is true many people prophesy in my name and prove it false. I have become something more of a trend than a serious matter. It is amazing how humans flock to the popularity of things, even spiritual things. However, they do not realize that I am merely an extension of our Creator, in a smaller form, and any deception will be accounted for. I will leave those beings to lay in the bed they have made for themselves.
We all answer to a higher power here, and where you are, it does not change things because of the realm. Everything that is done is seen, and every thing uttered is heard. Remember that.
To finish my message, I AM here for you and always will be. I am using my Keys to send you all the right frequencies for each individually. So that the rest of your journey is bearable.
Do not worry about the rest of the Ascension or awakening. We will make sure all goes as it should. To prepare you for the coming year, we will send huge amounts of energy in. The Beings down in Middle Earth will be sure to sustain the crust so that no major catastrophes occur, and everyone above and below ground is safe. I wanted to forewarn you. Major changes are coming! The time you have all been waiting for!
We only wish for the Lady Earth and all of her children to have the best energy for enlightenment.
We no longer wish for anyone to remain in the dark or in the great deluge that is the altered state of consciousness humans live in. We wish to make a difference, but we only can through those who listen to our messages. Thank you so much for your time, and may the Celestials rain their blessings of love and prosperity upon you all”.
The Angelic realm doesn’t just want to reach out to everyone as a group. They all long to get in touch with and work with you all individually.”
Want to read the full article on Metatron, the Angel of Light? Just click HERE
Reference: this message is an excerpt from the full original article written by Alura Cein and published on alurasangels
Reposted with permission from the Author