Dream Symbols: What is Your Subconscious Trying to Tell You?
Dreams actually work at a subconscious level, so the signs that we ‘see’ in our dreams point to specific aspects of our real life that need to be observed.

We all have a deep-rooted interest in our dreams and the things that happen in them.
We all try to give meaning to our dreams, especially when they come under the guise of specific symbols (objects, animals, a particular place). Dreams work subconsciously, so the signs that we 'see' in our dreams point to specific aspects of our real life that we need to observe. Our dreams are warning signs of things coming or something we are going through.
When is a dream fear, and when is it a prophecy?
Do you pay attention to dream symbols?
Image by Comfreak from Pixabay
Generally speaking, dream content is very symbolic and thus challenging to interpret. However, when we begin to open up spiritually, the dream content becomes much more literal, with dream scenes identical to forthcoming events.
There is a theory that most of us do not open ourselves up to dreaming about the future because the truth is that we do not want to know about it.
We fear the future, or at least what might happen.
We choose to stay uncertain, keeping us within our 'comfort zone' rather than trying to understand the meaning of a dream. However, whether we like it or not, dreams bring signs we should be aware of.
So, let’s have a look at some of the most common dream symbols you should never ignore:
Nudity (being naked)
When we dream of being naked, it means we fear being exposed. However, when we dream of others being naked, it could mean something along the lines of 'the naked truth' of a situation or even a look into an affair. Nakedness is all about accepting our imperfections and accepting us for who we are without judgment.
When we are naked in our dreams, we must ask ourselves: "What am I afraid of? Am I afraid of exposing myself, expressing my feelings, or manifesting my fears?"
Ask yourself what you are most afraid of showing, and it will give you the answer to which of these fears you are dealing with.
2. Adultery
Adultery signifies sexual desires and urges that need to be expressed but are locked away. This type of dream is linked with self-worth issues and abandonment fears. When you dream of adultery, you need to ask yourself if you are okay with your current relationship, if you are ready to go from there in deciding what this means for you, and if you have to start all over again.
3. Fire
Dreaming of fire is the kind of dream that can have two different levels of interpretation. First, how you interact with the fire determines that, for example, if you play with it, you are being warned of risky business and potentially dangerous situations.
On the other hand, if you are starting a fire, it means that you are likely repressing anger.
Take time to think about what was happening and how it reflects your real life.
4. Flying
If you dream of flying, you are lacking something in your life. Dreaming of flying means, for example, you have to recharge your mind and hopefully get you working on something that makes you happy.
Ask yourself: "What am I doing with my life right now? How can I achieve my goals and make my dreams come true?"
5. Waterfalls
Waterfalls are a continuous flow of water, finding its way through every crevice. If you dream of waterfalls, you must cleanse your mind and make room for something new. You are working on a new beginning and letting go of the old.
Think of how big the waterfall is when looking into how big of a change you will be going through.
6. Teeth
A dream of pulling teeth symbolizes something that needs to come out. Rotten teeth relate to holding onto anxiety or fear. Dreaming of teeth falling is generally linked with an overthinking mind and stress. Ask yourself: "Am I worried about a new job, relationship issues, financial issues, or other things?"
7. Death
Dream of death is way more common than we like to admit. But it's not as negative as we might think. Instead, a vision of death means the end of something and the birth of another. This could mean a big-time emotional change at all levels and in many aspects of your life.
8. Pregnancy
Dreaming of pregnancy doesn't necessarily mean you will be pregnant. Dream of pregnancy is more related to the chance that you will experience significant inner growth and spiritual development. If you work hard, something extraordinary is well on its way to manifest. Ask yourself: "What am I trying to create? What can I do to make it real?"
9. Money
The meaning of a dream about money depends on what is happening with money. Are we gaining or losing money? If you dream of winning the lottery or receiving an inheritance, you may soon undergo a profound lifestyle change. On the other hand, if you dream of giving money away, there could be a threat of a significant financial loss lingering around.
10. Houses
A house symbolizes comfort and protection.
Depending on the house (and the room, if you dream of a specific room), each room could dig your mind deeper. For example, dreaming of an attic means you have hidden memories. Dreaming of a kitchen might bring you back to childhood memories when your grandmother used to cook sweets and excellent meals.
11. Falling
It's a dream we would like not to have. If you have ever experienced a falling dream, you know how terrifying it is. It seems as if everything will end in the blink of an eye. This dream is a powerful symbol telling you that something in your life is spiraling out of control. Ask yourself: "What is out of my control?"
12. Being Chased
Dreaming of being chased often means something or someone threatens you in your life, even though you are not yet fully aware of it. Try to change something during your daily routines, do something unexpected and start thinking out of the box.
It would help if you did something to find the issue and solve it once and for all.
13. Snakes
Dreaming of snakes has different meanings depending on what kind of situation you are in your dream. For example, suppose it's a snake under the blanket, a snake in the woods, or a desert, and what the snake is doing if it's one or many. Now, if you are unsure what kind of snake it was but were bitten in your dream, it means that hidden fears and worries threaten your overall wealth.
Knowing the dream symbols is crucial for our future because the information we receive through our dreams is for our best to understand.