Full Moon on October 13, 2019: A Big Opportunity is Coming!
This month Full Moon is on October 13, 2019 and is bringing a Big opportunity for all of us: let's find out!

The October 13 Hunter’s Full Moon in Aries rises from the horizon around sunset, it may appear bigger and more golden orange than your typical full Moon—but don’t be fooled by this Moon Illusion, which makes the Moon appear larger than it really is! This is just part of the golden blessing that is coming through on this full Moon.

On this day during the hours before sunset everything will feel crisp, pure, and uplifting. These are all things we need to put us in the mood of connecting to something positive and greater than ourselves.
What is happening is that we are being blessed by the Golden Ray coming through Archangel Camael. If you tap into this energy you are going to feel an incredible blessing from this golden energy blessed by Archangel Camael. It will give you optimism about the future. It's from this place, where you will be able to connect to positive ideas about your future and life.
Tune in and Ask Archangel Camael to guide you through this lunar phase until the next full Moon. I recommend that you get a gold, yellow, or orange candle to light on the night of the full Moon in honor of all of the golden blessings coming into your life. Give thanks to Archangel Camael for providing this wonderful blessing at this time of the year.
In October, we enter the glorious late afternoon of the year. The woodland blazes with vibrant colors. As October passes the door to the otherworld opens wider. We become more receptive to spiritual energies and feel drawn to bond with our ancestors.
In October the veil is thin. And yes, anytime the magical feeling in the atmosphere is high, the veil is closer to us. Thinnest. Use this time for spiritual growth. If there is a deceased ancestor or pet you wish to contact, this is a great month to do it. Plan a ritual to remember those who have passed from this world, and be sure to make an offering to them. The offering can be a poem, a letter, flowers, and seasonal food.
The full moon is always a good time to pray, have ceremonies, and be reminded of the continuation of life.
Just as the leaves are letting go – let go of everything you no longer need in your life. It’s a wonderful time to do a Burning Bowl Ceremony or you can even do a bonfire. Write out everything you want to release on paper and throw it into the fire and as the smoke goes up know that you have released it to the Great Spirit. If you do a bonfire after you burn your releases - dance around the bonfire as it brings in powerful spiritual vibrations.
Throughout October work on your spiritual self, and pay attention to messages you get in your dreams.
This full Moon was called the Full Hunter’s Moon because it signaled the time to go hunting in preparation for winter. To the Native Americans full moons were a way to keep track of the seasons and make appropriate preparations for survival. Besides, with falling leaves and the fattening of wild game, also preparing for winter, who could argue that this month’s moon signaled a good time to go hunting.
Since the harvesters had recently reaped the fields under the Harvest Moon, hunters could easily see the fattened deer and other animals that had come out to glean (and the foxes and wolves that had come out to prey on them).
The Hunters Full Moon is also called the Shedding Moon, Blood Moon, or the Falling Leaf Moon. Coming right before Samhain/Halloween, it is a time when the nights are crisp and clear, and you can sense a change in the energy around you. When the Blood Moon rises, it smolders like an ember in the autumn sky. She is a beacon for the golden spiritual energy.
Because it's easy to think beautifully at this time, it's a great time to unite with Spirit.
Elements to work with on the October Full Moon.
- Element: Fire
- Colors: Dark blue, Black, Purple
- Gemstones: Obsidian, Amethyst, Tourmaline, Opal
- Herbs: Apple Blossom, Pennyroyal, Mint, Sweet Annie, Thyme, Catnip, Angelica
- Flowers: Calendula, Marigold Cosmos
- Trees: Apples, Yew, Cypress, Acacia
- Birds: Crow, Heron, Robin
- Animals: Stag, Jackal, Elephant, Ram, Scorpion.
This is the time to give thanks to the animals, fruits, and vegetables during this moon for giving their lives so we can live.
An in depth Spiritual Reading should be done every moon cycle. Since, every moon cycle represents a change it not only affects our external forces but our internal forces as well.
The full moon is always a good time to be reminded of the continuation of life. Let go and enjoy the blessings of the Golden Ray and all of the beauty of the season. Enjoy my friends.
Full Moon October 2019 Times and Dates
- Los Angeles – 13 October 8:38 pm
- New York – 13 October 11:38 pm
- London – 14 October 4:38 am
- Delhi – 14 October 9:08 am
- Sydney – 14 October 1:38 pm
Read next: The Strange Connection Between The Moon Cycles And Your Mood
Article Source: Originally written and published on Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor
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