How to Cut Energetic Cords With Archangel Michael's Help
Learn about energetic cords, their impact on your well-being, and how to cut them for emotional healing and personal empowerment.

Energetic cords are invisible connections that form between individuals due to relationships, emotional exchanges, and shared experiences. These cords can strengthen through significant interactions, such as intense conversations, traumatic events, or intimate moments. While these connections can facilitate love and support, they can also become imbalanced over time, especially in relationships that are toxic or no longer serve one’s highest good.
When these cords are left unchecked, they can result in a persistent drain on one's energy, manifesting as feelings of fatigue, anxiety, or an inability to move forward in life. Cutting these cords is a powerful act of self-care and empowerment, allowing individuals to release unhealthy attachments and reclaim their sense of self. Through techniques such as invoking Archangel Michael for assistance, one can effectively sever these ties, restoring balance and fostering a healthier, more vibrant existence. Understanding and addressing the energetic cords in our lives is crucial for maintaining emotional clarity and personal growth.
Everyone can use this technique about How To Cut Energetic Cords (Etheric Cords) With Archangel Michael for cutting negative cords and ties with a friend, a negative person, a former romantic partner, or anyone you feel you need to take your energy back from.
When you enter a relationship with someone, your energetic systems connect and create energetic cords. The cords strengthen when intense emotional, traumatic, or painful events occur between the parties.
For example, you get divorced and find it hard to find your next soul mate. You can check in with your higher self to see if you are unconsciously still honoring those vows, contracts, promises, or oaths. If you still honor those vows, you must cut energetic cords with that person.
Everyone can cut energetic cords themselves.
Here's the technique for cutting cords with Archangel Michael
1. Think of the person you want to take your energy back from and cut cords with.
2. Close your eyes and take five deep breaths into your stomach.
3. Call in Archangel Michael now and say
Archangel Michael, please come to me right now. Please bring back the part of myself that has merged with (name the person's name). Bring back my energy. With your sword of light, please cut the cords between (say person's name) and me. Please remove from my energy and field anything that is not mine, that is not serving me, that is of (name of person) or that (name of person) has brought in with him/her, and completely remove that energy field from my body, my house, my property, my animals, my kids, my car, my workplace, and anywhere else it currently resides. Fill my entire being with the Creator's Love and Light, especially where the cords were cut.
4. As Archangel Michael removes that energy that is not yours, he sends it back to the person you named with absolute core love.
5. Give thanks and blessings to those involved, including yourself.
See what shows up in your life about 15 days after you cut the energetic cords with a particular person. You can do this technique as often as you like and with as many people as you want.

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