The 54 most popular excuses people use to stop themselves from living the life they want
Do you really want to live a life true to yourself? Learn how to stop finding excuses and finally make your dreams come true!

It is not the diamond mines, gold mines or oilfields that are the richest places on earth. It is the graveyard. Here, talents and ideas are being buried every day!
Think of all the books, music, inventions, wisdom, etc. that never saw the light of day because of excuses.
Peter, a young man in his 40´s was thinking about changing his occupation. His job was ok, but there was something inside of him, a gut feeling, that this was not the job for him for the rest of his life. Peter had a passion for fishing, and for many years, secretly dreamt about making a living from this passion. He dreamt of starting his own little shop selling fishing equipment. However, every time he thought about making it a reality, he managed to scare himself into not following this dream of his.
“I have a safe and steady income…I don´t know anything about running my own business…What would my friends and family think of me…” All these excuses put a lid on his dream.
Now Peter is 90 years old. His grandchildren are visiting him, and he enjoys that. Then his oldest granddaughter asks him “Grandpa, what do you regret most in life?” The question is followed by silence… “I regret the things I didn´t do, things that I wanted to do…”. His eyes fill up with tears..He is staring out the window…”I regret that I didn´t say YES more to myself…that I cared too much about what other people thought of what I did or didn´t do…I regret not saying yes to all the opportunities life gave me…I regret not being me 100%…”
Excuses have killed countless dreams. They will continue to do so for those people who will allow it.
“Excuses disguise themselves as truth” – Kenneth Soares
They can be hard to detect, because they seem so true. You will defend them and you will believe that they are the real reason for holding you back in life. Yes they hold us prisoners, BUT only because we are convinced that they are true. Our behaviour is a result of what we believe is true or not. Excuses have only as much power as we choose to give them.
‘If you think you can, or you think you can´t, you are right’ – Henry Ford
Here is a list of the most famous excuses people use to keep them from living the life they want.
Maybe you´ll recognise some of them. Be honest with yourself and check which ones are your favourite excuse. Ask yourself “how long am I going to hide behind this excuse?”
- IF I didn’t have a wife and family . . .
- IF I had enough “pull” . . .
- IF I had money . . .
- IF I had a good education . . .
- IF I could get a job . . .
- IF I had good health . . .
- IF I only had time . . .
- IF times were better . . .
- IF other people understood me . . .
- IF conditions around me were different . . .
- IF I could live my life over again . . .
- IF I did not fear what “THEY” would say . . .
- IF I had been given a chance . . .
- IF I had a chance now. . .
- IF other people didn’t “have it in for me” . . .
- IF nothing happens to stop me . . .
- IF I were only younger . . .
- IF I could only do what I want . . .
- IF I had been born rich . . .
- IF I could meet “the right people” . . .
- IF I had the talent that some people have . . .
- IF I dared to assert myself . . .
- IF I only had embraced past opportunities . . .
- IF people didn’t get on my nerves . . .
- IF I didn’t have to keep the house and look after the children . . .
- IF I could save some money . . .
- IF the boss only appreciated me . . .
- IF I only had somebody to help me . . .
- IF my family understood me . . .
- IF I lived in a big city . . .
- IF I could just get started . . .
- IF I were only free . . .
- IF I had the personality of some people . . .
- IF I were not so fat . . .
- IF my talents were known . . .
- IF I could just get a “break” . . .
- IF I could only get out of debt . . .
- IF I hadn’t failed . . .
- IF I only knew how . . .
- IF everybody didn’t oppose me . . .
- IF I didn’t have so many worries . . .
- IF I could marry the right person . . .
- IF people weren’t so dumb . . .
- IF my family was not so extravagant . . .
- IF I were sure of myself . . .
- IF luck were not against me . . .
- IF I had not been born under the wrong star . . .
- IF it were not true that “what is to be will be” . . .
- IF I did not have to work so hard . . .
- IF I hadn’t lost my money . . .
- IF I lived in a different neighborhood . . .
- IF I didn’t have a past . . .
- IF I only had a business of my own . . .
- IF other people would only listen to me . . .
How long are we going to hide behind excuses? A couple of weeks more? Three months? A year? 20 years? The rest of our lives?
Excuses are lies that appear true. If you really really want something, there is always a way. There is always solutions. How would the world be different if humans took 100% responsibility for our life and circumstances, and eliminated 100% of our excuses?
If you woke up tomorrow and something magical had happened so that everything was possible, and there were absolutely no way to fail, what would you do with your life?
From the Heart
Source: powerthoughtsmeditationclub