The Angels Of Love
When you are looking for the perfect "Twin Flame" for yourself, there are specific Angels to call on.
In this article we will learn about some very different Angels, that you may or may not heard of yet. These Angels are dedicated to the area of love & relationships, and even though names do not matter to the Angels, I wanted to share their traditional names, colour's , gemstones, and ways in which you might like too connect with them and have them help you in your relationships-whether its too reconnect with an old lover, heal an existing relationship, draw a lover closer too you or just when you are looking for the perfect "Twin Flame" for yourself, there is an Angel to call on.
Some people think that they will call on the wrong Angel or make a mistake somehow, but this is not something to worry about, as I have said before, its your "Intention" that counts.By this I mean that if you are asking for help, in whatever way you can or want to, then the Angels will respond. So we will begin in alphabetical order, and we really hope that you will get some enjoyment out of this and even try some of the exercises, to connect to the "Angels Of Love!"
Photo by Christiana Rivers / Unsplash
Ariel-For Difficulties In Relationships
Traditionally, this Angel is misty silver in appearance and seems to be best called upon a week after a full moon or on any Monday. Ariel brings with him new spiritual heights to your relationship, deeper lovemaking connections, helps to lull difficult arguments & is also said to prevent a lover/partner from "cheating".
To connect with this Angel it is said too use the colour Blue for your candle, & have a blue gemstone. Also some incense in citrus flavors, will draw the energies closer to you.
It is good to light your candle hold onto your gemstone & talk too "Ariel" about what matters to you now .Ariel will respond in subtle ways, and your partner & even yourself may experience a massive transformation, in the way they think and act, without really knowing where it came from.
Atliel has a beautiful silver & gold appearance, & is best contacted on the night of a full moon. It is said that anyone wishing too increase their fertility, looking too adopt or about to give birth can call on this Angel for support & comfort."Atliel" will also help you to revive passion in your relationship. When you invoke this Angel it is said to use a red candle for an increase in passion/love & a silver candle for fertility matters. Also any rose or floral incense is good to use and will bring peace and a sense of fulfillment to you.When you ask for this Angels assistance, it will feel like everything is taken care of for you. A very gentle Angel & a definite instant feeling of relief will wash over you.
Darachiel-New Love/Friendship
This Angel is traditionally seen with a crescent moon halo & is said to be silver in appearance.Call on "Darachiel" on the night of the waxing moon or again on a Monday night. This Angel will bring new love and deepen any friendship for you, and also will help you when your love needs to be kept a secret or has many obstacles that need extra help in healing. This Angel will hold no judgment towards you or your situation, & if you find yourself in a love triangle for example, call on Darachiel to help you find the right step to take next. Light a silver candle to connect with "Darachiel" and also light some lemon incense too invoke his wisdom about your situation. Any type of yellow gemstone will also help the connection.
Donquel-Finding True Love
The Angel of finding true love & a "Twin Soul" Angel.This Angel will direct you to follow a particular path and will light the steps along the way too find your true Love or "Twin Soul". A "Twin Soul" is the perfect partner for you that has been decided through many lifetimes together & is the ultimate relationship for you, one with no fighting of any kind and a perfect friendship and deep love between you."Donquel" is said to be scarlet in colour with beautiful sparkling wings.Call on this Angel on a Tuesday, and use a deep red candle, and any red gemstone to connect easily. Any type of incense can be used along with having a bowl of water when you talk to this Angel.
As you invoke this Angel you will just feel like everything is taken care of for you, and some parts of your life that are no longer needed will fall away as you prepare for true love. Very good if you are not sure of your current partner, and where you are headed.
Ergediel-Love Commitments
This Angel is said too have beautiful shimmering silver & gold robes and is also quite tall in appearance.It is best to contact this Angel on the day before a full moon. "Ergediel" will help you when you want a deep commitment from your partner,& is said to be at every wedding. If you have been wanting too get married or wanting your partner to just finally commit to you, then this Angel is perfect for you. It may be that you will see the truth about your partner and even change your own mind about what you want in life- but "Ergediel"will put you in the right frame of mind for any changes to take place smoothly. Use a white candle to invoke him and also a moonstone or rainbow moonstone will lead you in the right direction.

Geliel-To Reconcile
This Angel is perfect if you are trying desperately to reconcile with your lover. She seems too dissipate any type of argument and will also help to bring harmony to families that have been arguing or estranged for some time. "Geliel" is said to lightly shimmer in Silver gold & purple, and is best contacted on the last quarter of the waning moon or on any Monday. Be sure to talk to this Angel about any problem that you would like solved for you & she will tailor make a solution to your problems for you. Light a pink candle to invoke this Angel and any pink gemstone like rose quartz will be helpful to you. She will listen without judgment or taking sides.
Iris-Comfort/Angel of The Rainbow
Iris is a beautiful rainbow coloured Angel who will comfort anybody who has lost loved ones-especially a love partner, whether in actual death or desertion, and she will offer you enormous strength and determination to move on. She will also help you to leave any relationship that is clearly not right for you, and you will get inner nudges and thoughts about this if this is the case for you. She is also very helpful to those who are starting a relationship later on in life and will also help you too trust your partner and allow the past to dissolve. Her special day is Saturday, so light some lilac or multi-colored candles, and have some fluorite, rainbow moonstone or rainbow quartz handy too connect with her.
Mihael-Lasting Love
Beautiful "Mihael" is the Angel of lasting love and also is known too help you find your soul mate or "Twin Flame" partner-one that is with you for life. He is said to have deep green wings and moves very quickly. He will also encourage you to love yourself more-instead of using harsh words to describe yourself, as this will attract a healthy relationship and deep love between you & your partner.Be aware that you my already feel as though you are with the correct partner for you, but when you invoke this angel, you may find that the things you "put up with" are simply not good enough for you anymore. "Mihael" is best called upon on a Thursday traditionally, and any blue or green candle is great when you talk to him. Also Lapis Lazuli,or emerald stones are perfect for this. Very powerful Angel & one of my favorites! Write him a letter, pouring your heart out, and take this outside and burn it-after saying it aloud to him-and he will immediately get to work for you! Very strong presence.
The Angel of Romance and family loyalties. This Angel is deep pink in colour with long golden wings. It is said that when you are looking for extra love, fun & romance, to call on "Rachiel" If you are single and about to go on a night out with friends, call on "Rachiel" to help you 'bump' into a really awesome stranger that will get along with you famously. Also will help you if you are just starting out in a new relationship, and are still in your nervous stages. Anytime is good to connect with Rachiel, but Friday apparently is his special day. Any Pink or gold candle will help you to connect along with any pink gemstone or gold jewelry Very fun Angel that will get you all excited, even if you feel blah!

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Requiel-Letting Go!
This Angel is the one to call on when you really need to let go of a destructive or abusive partner & move on. Nobody can hurt you, use you or abuse you unless you allow this too happen, so call on "Requiel" to give you the added strength needed, to get going, or just let it go!! He is a very large protecting Angel and is said to be indigo or deep purple in colour. When you really need help & support to break free, light your self a purple or dark blue candle and pour your heart out to him. He will give you instant support, and pave the way for you to get out of your situation, or stop thinking about it. Opals or celestine gems will also help sure up your faith.
A very motherly Angel who will help to mend any arguments or cold heartedness between family members & is known too especially help single parents to deal with the 'ex'. Helps in any kind of setting that involves parents & children and will also help you when court proceedings seem never ending and there is much fighting between children."Sereda" is a beautiful shade of yellow with apricot coloured wings. She will also help those who have different backgrounds and brings together the generations between people. Any golden brown or apricot coloured candle will assist you with connecting with her and Tigers Eye or Amber gemstones will deepen the connection. She will also help too bring harmony to step-parents and families.
It is very helpful when trying too ask an Angel for help in your romantic life, to have a special place dedicated too it. In your special Angel place, place gemstones, candles, incense and statues or pictures of Angels too make the area extra special. Also you can be sure, by creating this area for you too sit and concentrate on what you really want and are thankful for, the Angels will quickly respond as the energies build up. I think you will find that the whole process just becomes that much easier.
Writing letters to the Angels telling them what you would like to see happen for you and being specific with what you want, is also another easy way to connect.
I still need to ask questions myself, and I find when I write to the Angels, they speak through me so I get the answers easier this way. You may find that while you are asking the Angels a question while you are writing, the answer comes to you, and this will happen more regularly over time.
Lighting incense , and writing your question or wish in the air, is another helpful exercise.
As well as taking a candle in the Angels colour, and writing your partners name or just the word 'love' will bring things into prospective very quickly for you. Again, you are showing your intention with these exercises, and allowing the Angels to fully support you and take care of this quickly.
We hope that you have enjoyed learning about the Angels of Love.
With Many Blessings!
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Source: this article was originally written by B.Devine and published on
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