A Prayer to Learn How to Unconditionally Love Others

Say this Prayer if you want to learn how to Unconditionally Love others!

Dear Angel,
When I am tempted to judge others as a way of feeling above them or as a way of making me feel better about myself, please, guide me to practice non-judgmental mindfulness and love others with an unconditional heart.
Thank You. Amen

Source: from our Book 365 Prayers to the Angels: Get your prayers answered and fulfill all your dreams with the help of the Angels

One more Prayer about Unconditional Love:

Dear Angel,
please strengthen and protect my marriage.  Help me be selfless in my marriage and unconditionally love my partner. Please, help me and my spouse build our marriage as a safe and peaceful haven from the storms of life. Instruct us to mold a loving, secure, faith-filled, relationship. Protect our marriage from the injuries and consumption of time and grant us a growing kindness to one another. Guide us to create a solid, life-long marriage bond and always treat one another with respect and honesty. Don’t let anyone or anything steal our joy or kill our passion. Dear Angel please, pour heavenly love into my marriage so that I and my partner may support, uplift, and love each other as divine twin flames.
Thank You.  Amen.

Remember this: every prayer is being listened to, at any time, by your Angels. Every prayer is answered and Grace is always granted. You are unconditionally loved by Angels.

Imagine that your desire has come true. Do not focus on ‘how’ it has happened, but only on the fact that it ‘has happened’.

Imagine what you would like to achieve in your life, then start to feel as if you had already achieved it. In a prayer, what always matters is the feeling of being and of having what you wish for.

Imagine, for example, that you wish help from your Angels in manifesting a new job. You’ll have to be in fine tune with the essence of what you want and ‘see’ yourself in your new job. **You need to dive deep into the vibes and feelings of having what you want to create.** When you set an intention with a mindset of openness to receive, you affirm that what you are seeking is already being provided, is already created and made available for your use.

As you learn to clear out blocks, patterns, and karmic connections that no longer serve you, you are better able to receive your heart’s desires. You start to see that all is in Divine Order and you can relax more into acceptance of what flows in your life.

Be Grateful

To thank the Angels is really important, but not for them because giving is their true nature. They give for the pure joy of giving. To thank them is important for you because gratitude always brings more blessings.

The feeling of gratitude is like a signal that you send to the Universe showing that you are open to receive. It’s like a powerful magnet that attracts complementary energies into your life.

365 Prayers to the Angels is your daily tool to connect with the Angels!
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