This American Indian Personality Test Makes You See Your True Nature
Find your spirit animal and discover your unique personality traits with this Native American personality test. Choose the animal that resonates with you and learn more about yourself.

American Indian Personality Test: Pick The Spirit Animal You're Drawn To And See Your True Personality
Pick the spirit animal you're drawn to and see your TRUE personality.
#1 Feeling Drawn To This Spirit Animal Means:
You are exceptionally insightful and can "read" people well. You always know when people try to lie to you, and you have plenty of common sense. You'reYou're fun in a group and often make a good impression on others. You speak your mind but know when to bite your tongue.
#2 Feeling Drawn To This Spirit Animal Means:
You do things your way and don'tdon't follow the beat of another'sanother's drum. You trust yourself and know that you can make the right choices. Of course, things sometimes go your way, but you can overcome anything thanks to your solid and wonderful personality.
#3 Feeling Drawn To This Spirit Animal Means:
You are very passionate when you're you're doing something you love. But you get bored when given tasks beneath you. You are outgoing in many respects. Other times you're more withdrawn, especially around strangers and in unfamiliar situations.
#4 Feeling Drawn To This Spirit Animal Means:
You'reYou're more sensitive and thoughtful than many realize. Sometimes you put up a brave face, but on the inside, you truly ponder and consider everything. This is a great strength as it allows you to connect to your friends deeply.
#5 Feeling Drawn To This Spirit Animal Means:
You prefer to take action over chatting about it. But, strangely, some who don'tdon't know you well find you mysterious because you're a doer, not a talker. So refrain from explaining yourself to anyone. But, of course, those who know you well feel very close to you!
#6 Feeling Drawn To This Spirit Animal Means:
You'reYou're a deep thinker who often thinks about life in a very profound way. Even if you don'tdon't know much about a topic, you always have good opinions due to your life experience. Plus, you probably know a few good jokes, and people love to listen to you talk.
#7 Feeling Drawn To This Spirit Animal Means:
You are a motivated and often happy person. However, you do occasionally think about the past too much, and you have periods where you wish you had made different choices.
However, you're on the right path and should put the past behind you.