Feeling Anxious? Archangel Michael's Guide to Feeling Safe
Feeling anxious, lost, or vulnerable? Archangel Michael offers strength and a peaceful shield. Learn how to connect and find your inner sanctuary.

When we experience moments of insecurity, our thoughts often seem to take on a life of their own, giving rise to inner monsters that deeply unsettle us.
Although these monsters are our creation, it can be challenging to recognize this reality when fear has a firm grip on us. Feelings of fear and insecurity are like ripples in our energy field, and overcoming them involves tapping into the part of ourselves that is anchored, secure, and untouched by fear, allowing us to find healing and peace. The energies of the mighty Archangel Michael, a powerful symbol of safety, strength, purity, and courage, resonate with us, and by connecting with Michael, we allow these aspects within ourselves to grow stronger. This connection is not about worship but about tapping into the strength and courage that Michael represents, helping us anchor ourselves in a place of inner security and peace.
Here are 5 empowering ways to invoke protection and gain strength whenever you feel unsafe.
These techniques are about coping with fear and reclaiming your sense of security and control.
1. Chanting/ Singing
When feelings of unsafety start to overwhelm you, try chanting or singing Michael’s name. This is not a form of worship but a way to connect with Michael’s energy and tap into the courage and strength that he represents within us.
2. Home Protection
If you ever feel unsafe at home because you live alone or have other irrational fears, you can call on Michael to watch over your house. This action is potent when done before bedtime. It can help you sleep in peace. Just before drifting off to sleep, call on Michael and request him to surround your house with his presence. Visualize him standing at the front door and the back door. Then, visualize him standing to the left of your home and on the right. You will be able to sense his powerful energy enveloping your house. Give thanks and fall asleep in peace.
3. Outside Protection
If you are traveling or going to a place that makes you feel unsafe, request Michael to accompany you. All you need to do is say these words before you get going. “Dear Archangel Michael, Please accompany me. Please protect me and help me feel safe. Thank you for your presence.” You can also do this when walking or driving alone in an isolated place. You can do this on an airplane if flying makes you nervous. You may sense a warm presence beside you or know that Michael is with you. Irrespective of whether you feel anything, calling on Michael will bring his energy to your side. All you need to do is trust.
4. Protection for Children
Children are often afraid of darkness, monsters, and the like. But the good thing is that they are more receptive to divine energies than adults. Let your children know about Archangel Michael. Show them some pictures of Michael from the internet or your set of Oracle cards. Tell them they can call on Michael whenever they feel afraid and that he will be there to care for them. If it is a younger child, you can call on Michael on the child’s behalf. Do this loudly so the child hears what you are saying and feels reassured. If your children are older and have begun to move around independently, you can request Michael accompany them and keep them safe.
5. Symbol Protection
Apart from calling on Michael, you can also invoke the Reiki symbols. Third-degree practitioners can visualize the symbol Dai Ko Myo in front of them. Dai Ko Myo represents truth, light, and power. Visualize it over your house at night. Visualize it surrounding your home on all four sides. Second-degree practitioners can use Sei He Ki or all three symbols. Chant the names of the symbols for a deeper connection. First-degree practitioners can just visualize a blanket of Reiki enveloping them, their house, vehicle, etc.
May the energy of Archangel Michael be with you always!

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