What Does Emotional Body Mean? Why Is Your Emotional Body's Healing Crucial For Your Life And Your Happiness?
If you do not heal your emotional body, it will always drive you to unconsciously recreating the same distressing situations that have already caused you to suffer many times in the past. What's the secret to healing your emotional body?

Every experience of our lives remains imprinted into the energy field of our cells.
The stronger and more painful emotions we have experienced, the deeper they are engraved into our cellular memory.
If we do not heal our emotional body, it will always drive us to unconsciously re-creating the same distressing situations that have already caused us to suffer many times in the past.
Blinded by our inner compulsion to repeat the same experiences we are not able to realize that we are re-creating them yet again.

We are continuously attracted to those people who unwittingly activate our emotional programs. Like a drug, it is as if our emotional body desperately needs to constantly experience those particular emotions. Similarly, other people are attracted to us because of our unconscious ability to activate, in a specular and complementary way, their emotional programs. So, strong bonds of emotional dependency are created. Despite the painful consequences for all involved, they are extremely difficult to heal or bring to an end.
Specific stimulation activates emotional patterns that our mind cannot deactivate.
Even when we are able to rationalize and comprehend their potential for destruction and suffering, both for ourselves and for all those who are subject to our reactions.
Our inability to control our responses originates from our emotional programs. We cannot filter our reactivity through our rational minds. To try to control our emotional responses is like attempting to contain a raging river with a poorly constructed dam; the strength of the emotional programs will, sooner or later, rupture the dam.
The healing of our emotional body dwells beyond our rational minds. We can be free from the burden of our past only when we cleanse our cellular memory with love, through forgiveness.
To cleanse our cellular memory means that we forgive, definitely and from the depths of our hearts, those who have hurt, disappointed or abandoned us, starting from the oldest memories (those of our childhood), up to the most recent injuries. When we forgive, the past loses its power over the present.
The act of forgiveness is so powerful that it concentrates and aligns in the present the energies of the past and the future. All the painful experiences, the legacy of this life and many previous lives can be instantly changed in a moment of Absolute, through forgiveness.
Forgiveness frees our cellular memory from the inner prison of repetitive patterns, from the destructiveness of repressed emotions, and from the poison of anger and resentment. Forgiveness heals both the spirit and the body.
Every trauma of the past can be healed by cleansing the memory, resetting it through forgiveness, and returning our cells to live in the eternal present.
Forgiveness also has the power to change our future. All that the future would one day hold for us, if we were still trapped in the old space-time field, can be transformed in one single moment through forgiveness.
In the Oneness, the healing of each of us is the healing of all of us. Our emotional body generates energy fields that are connected to the whole Universe. They are even tightly linked to the energy fields of the people present in our lives, in their role as our deepest mirrors. It does not matter if they are physically near or far; what matters is the reciprocal emotional involvement between us and them.
Our energy fields interface and intertwine with the energies of the people we interact with on a regular basis: romantic relationships, family, friendship, career. We are so tightly connected to the people who are closest to us to the point that, if we could see our energy fields, we would not see them separately from those of our loved ones.
We would see them as a blurred entanglement of emotional bodies. Because of this, everything that we heal within our emotional body also heals, as if by magic, the emotional bodies of the people close to us.
When we heal ourselves, we heal our whole life too. The energies around us harmonize and coalesce with our healing process.
Healing ourselves and breaking the chain of suffering is the greatest gift of love that we can give to everyone and, in particular, to our children and future generations.

By forgiving and healing ourselves, we also help the energy field of our macro system, planet Earth, to purify itself. The whole world benefits from our healing.
From our book We Are Human Angels, We Inspire Change: A Complete Course for Angelic Humans

It Teaches You How To:
- overcome the real matrix of ego.
- heal from the pain of the past imprinted in your emotional body.
- be truly happy and make other people happy too.
- consciously create your own reality and become love in action.
- tune in with the universal flow of love, joy, and abundance.
- build a healthy, joyful romantic relationship and achieve the sacred union.
- manage your intense sensitivity and make the best use of it in helping others.
- help others while respecting the Sacred Law of Free Will
- fulfill your highest potential as a Human Angel and to find your own mission here on earth.
- open your heart and unfold your wings.
- miraculously transform your life through the awareness of the Oneness.
- turn your consciousness into action.
- reunite in a collective action of conscious and awakened beings with a common vision of a new world.

We Are Human Angels, We Inspire Change: A Complete Course for Angelic Humans
This book is a fully equipped wisdom package that gives you all the tools to change your life forever and to make the world a better place.