April 2021 Full Pink Supermoon: The Moon that gives you Superpowers!
Here's everything you need to know to enjoy the first Supermoon of the year. Get ready to unleash your Superpowers!

"The Moon is the first milestone on the road to the stars."
- Arthur C. Clarke -
April's Pink Moon is one of the biggest and brightest Moons of this year. April's Pink Moon will brighten up the night skies on April 26-27.
It won't be the brightest Moon of the whole year 2021. However, we can call it a Supermoon because the Full Pink Moon also coincides with the closest point in its orbit around Earth. This month's Full Pink Moon will be the first of two Supermoons in 2021, with the next one taking place on May 26.
But before you get too excited and start thinking that you might be able to see it pink, in reality, it won't appear any 'pink' at all. The natural satellite's color won't turn pink. More about this later in this article.
Here's everything you need to know to enjoy the first Supermoon of the year.
One of the things that make this April 26-27 Supermoon so special is that it is one of the brightest in a series of three Supermoons that happen this year.
So we are precisely in the middle of something powerful from an energetic point of view. This light-filled Moon is in full force.
When we have a Supermoon, the Moon can appear as much as 14% larger and 30% brighter than a regular Full Moon. The Moon will also appear bigger when it is close to the horizon due to an effect known as the Moon Illusion.
From the beginning of time, the full Moon has had a magical effect on the Earth and its people. You can look into any ancient culture, and you will find references of any kind to the Moon. Full moons, as well as New moons, represent new beginnings. However, the Full Moon's energy is generally vibrating at a higher frequency. The Full Moon influence can empower you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace bold changes in your life. The full Moon often brings a time of completion or manifestation. It is also true that emotions are heightened!
Back to what we were saying about this Supermoon's color, you won't see a pink moon. According to the Farmer's Almanac, we call this Moon the Pink Moon because it corresponds with the early spring bloom of Phlox Subulata, or moss pink, a wildflower native to eastern North America.
This full Moon is asking us to get rid of our fears.
Living in fear (of loss, of other people’s judgment, of failure,…) is harmful to our spiritual attitude and affects every aspect of our lives. We need to use the energy of this Supermoon to keep ourselves motivated and try not to pull ourselves into the drama of the problems we have to face. This Supermoon is asking us to be courageous, to step out of our comfort zone and start new projects, look for new opportunities, and sometimes do the unexpected. Everything seems now ready for a new energy to come, to open up the whole world to new opportunities, a new life, and - it goes without saying - a new bloom. The Full Moon coincides with the perfect time to trust that our Angels, Spirit Guides, and ancestors are with us, watching us and helping us get through this situation. If we learn how to use the energy of this Supermoon, we increase our spiritual self to a higher level.
Now that you know a bit more about this phenomenal Supermoon, you can start focusing on its power and what it represents. Make the best out of this Full Moon' positive energy and get ready for some critical changes.
On April 26 or 27, depending on your country, get glad to see a massive difference come into your life, and do not miss this incredible opportunity to heighten your spirit to a new level!
This time of year fills our lives with intense healing energy. We must open our hearts to receive and embrace its healing power and to spread it throughout the world. This Supermoon allows us to shed light on the temporary darkness of this endangered world. We all play an essential part in this world, so now it is the right time to send our loving energy.
The time that coincides with the upcoming Full Pink Moon is one of the most spiritual times of the year, and we can use it to help each other. The whole world will benefit from this healing energy if we spread it and think of the world as One.
April's Full Moon brings new beginnings, new growth, and the perfect opportunity to take control of our lives. It's time to tap into our innate sense of power and use it for the Greater Good.
We cannot miss this opportunity. Use the energy of this Full Pink Supermoon to blossom just like spring flowers. Make your inner light brighter like never before. Let your inner power shine and send out a beam into the world.
This Full Supermoon is the most special Moon of the year as it sheds light on our most profound truth.
It reveals the karma we bring from our past lives – the foundation upon which every aspect of our current life is built.
So it becomes crucial to know in deep the connection between the Moon and our Zodiac sign because our Moon sign takes us to our unconscious world, those depths that are even below our subconscious.
It shows us our reason for reincarnating into this particular life and clarifies why we have the relationships we have with our family, most notably our mother (or primary caregiver). Because our mother shapes our soul-dough in our earliest days in the most profound way, including our worldview, personality, and subconscious beliefs, looking into our Moon sign becomes even more critical.
What is your moon sign, and what does it mean?
If you already know your Moon sign, find it in the below Moon Sign List and discover what it means.
Aries Moon Sign
Aries moon sign people tend to have controlling, even overbearing mothers who like to tell them what to do, a lot! They try to grow up fast and be as independent as possible, but no matter what they do, their mother's influence looms over. To fulfill their karma in this life, Aries moon sign people must find their inner child, tell her she's loved and accepted just the way she is. The wound inside can be healed through intense self-acceptance and embracing the imperfect human condition.
Taurus Moon Sign
Taurus Moon sign people tend to choose stable environments and families for this lifetime. Their mother sticks to schedules and structures religiously. Later in life, they seek the same sort of regularity and stability in their relationships. What the Taurean must do is to learn spontaneity, shake things up. Moon in Taurus people tend to live in the same town for a long time, sometimes for a lifetime. It would serve them to travel, work, and live in different places and go beyond what they learned in their own culture.
Gemini Moon Sign
With some heavy baggage from past lives, Gemini Moon sign people tend to choose an emotionally unavailable mother for this lifetime. The mother might be too much in her head and do everything in a robot-like fashion.
They might make great professors and philosophers, but their lovers might feel like they are not there when it comes to love. The task in this lifetime for the Gemini Moon Sign is to enter the world of emotions. Deep down, these people are afraid of deep feelings. Their mission is to feel without hesitation.
Cancer Moon Sign
Cancer Moon signs people come back to mothers with whom they share a special bond from past lives. The strength of the karmic bond they have with their mother makes it difficult for them to attain emotional independence and become who they are – which is their very life purpose in this lifetime. They are sometimes needy and clingy. They are terrified of being alone and create romantic relationships that are dependent and even suffocating. They need to learn to be on their own and foster co-dependent relationships.
Leo Moon Sign
Leo Moon Sign people tend to be born to narcissistic mothers who care more about looks than genuine expression – brand names over creativity, impressing others over connecting deeply. Because the Leo Moon Sign people learn this from their mothers, they might look for romantic partners who are good on paper yet might not form a deep connection with them. The life task for the Leo Moon Sign people is to value genuine human relationships and expression over pretense, titles, looks, and social media glam.
Virgo Moon Sign
Virgo Moon signs people get caught in a love triangle at a very early age. They might form a bond with their mother and use that against their father, or they might do the same with their father against their mother. Unfortunately, this sabotages their love life for the rest of their lives. They fall for people who are not fully available or get stuck emotionally long after their relationship is over, not moving on. They need to learn to be fully open themselves and realize that we don't form relationships as a defense.
Libra Moon Sign
Libra Moon Sign people karmically choose mothers who are not good at prioritizing their children's needs. They might mean well, but maybe they are too busy or don't know which needs are essential. Libra Moon people don't learn how to connect to their own needs, and they put others first, which causes them to be resentful in the end. The life task for the Libra Moon sign person in this lifetime is to learn to be there for themselves, to show up for themselves, to take care of their needs, whatever needs it may be.
Scorpio Moon Sign
Scorpio Moon Sign people have had many lifetimes where they formed relationships with people who disappeared, weren't there for them, or passed away unexpectedly or too soon. So, coming into this lifetime, they choose a mother who either passes away when they're still a young kid, or a mother who moves away or send the Scorpio Moon Sign person away to live with relatives, or a mother who isn't there for her child. Deep down, Scorpio Moon people need to learn that relationships are worth it, even if they are short-lived.
Sagittarius Moon Sign
Sagittarius Moon Sign people have many past lives where they were nomads or exiles. So, in this lifetime, they choose mothers who are eccentric, famous, or just very different in some way, making the young child's connection to the conventional society flimsy. The Sagittarius Moon sign person's life task is to develop a sense of belonging to a culture and country. Find their place. It would also serve them to find their religion or spiritual practice and stick to it instead of trying this. Consistency will help them.
Capricorn Moon Sign
Capricorn Moon: People learn to be extra self-protective at a young age because they experience their environment as hostile, offensive, or even abusive or violent.
The mother herself might be the abuser, or she might not have the power to stop the abuser from hurting her child. So, the grown Capricorn Moon Sign person will do anything not to be vulnerable. Her life task is to learn to open her heart in trust – not everyone is out to harm other people! It will serve them to believe in the essential goodness of others.
Aquarius Moon Sign
Aquarius Moon sign people have many lifetimes where they were forced to be something they are not, sometimes leading double lives. In this lifetime, they choose a mother who has difficulty accepting them as they are, for whatever reason. The love they receive is conditional. They have difficulty accepting themselves because they've breathed rejection all through their childhood. Their life task is to learn to be themselves, no matter what, even if that means leaving their community. They must be in environments where they're accepted.
Pisces Moon Sign
Pisces Moon Sign people have had many lifetimes where they had severe addictions. So, in this lifetime, they choose a mother who's either too emotional, unstable, or has obsessions. Pisces Moon people tend to have difficulty finding solid ground in life, such as maintaining the same house and job for a long time and peacefully.
They must create a healthy relationship with life and find love through relationships with people, animals, and plants – instead of food, alcohol, shopping, or other addictive things.
Pink Moon Blessings to You All!
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